Thursday 14 July 2011

Codes and Conventions of Music Videos

  • Usually includes the artist
  • Normally set in a club or a party enviroment
  • Usually no storyline
  • Typically women dancers or models. Usually half naked
  • Features jewellery, alcohol and sports cars
  • Features mansion and branded clothing
  • Usually other famous artists are featuring in the video.
  • Examples; 50 Cent, B.I.G - Notorious

  • Usually dark/deep colours
  • Displays the band performing on stage
  • Usually no narrative
  • Eerie/weird videos
  • Uneasy camera movements
  • Hand-held shots
  • Usually no use of speical effects
  • Examples; Rolling Stones, Limp Bizkit

  • Colourful
  • Close up of artists - shows innocence
  • Fun and light hearted
  • Appeals to younger target audience
  • Shows artist/band involved in dance routines
  • Good mood - location - happy for example a beach/friends
  • Teenager scenario (having a crush)
  • Video usually has narrative
  • Examples; Britney spears, Lady Gaga

  • Shows artist or band throughout the video
  • Some special effects
  • Usually calm setting, but changes when beat kicks in
  • May be black and white
  • Sometimes has a narrative
  • Close up of artists and characters shown in video
  • Shows band performing
  • Examples; Snow Patrol, Kings of Leon, Kasabian

  • Dance routines
  • Sometimes narrative
  • Location - Clubs or party
  • Upbeat and fun videos
  • Women dancers usually half naked
  • Bright colours
  • All dancers wearing similar costumes
  • Examples; Eric Pryds, Basshunter

  • Usually a narrative
  • Artist/band always shown
  • Usually dancer routine
  • Close up of artists
  • Usually set in clam locations such as houses, beaches
  • Hardly no performance
  • Women usually wear revealing clothing
  • Money portayed positively
  • Alcohol and party scenes
  • Use of special effects
  • Examples; Destiny's Child, Rihanna

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