Friday 23 September 2011

First of the Year - Skrillex

the first shot is a slow upward pan, of someone twiddling a sweet with there hands unknown to the audience at this time, this foreshadows a mans intentions; as the pan continues it reveals that the man is wearing a trench coat, as the mans head comes into shot you can see that he is wearing Horn-rimmed glasses  with a reseeding hair line and a stubbly face. this combination of clothes and general look is stereotypically associated with a pedophile (to back this point up you can see what this website call this style of glasses - Through out the first shot there is a sound in the background that sounds like wind and muffled children, this has an eerie affect that make the audience question the mans intent.

there is then a over the shoulder shot of what the man is looking at, a playground, then children run around. as then children play one girl in a hoodie runs past, his head then follows the child. once she has ran past it goes to a mid shot of the man a rumble for the begging of the song crescendos this then links with the gradual look of disgust that the man makes. once this shot is shown the same ambient background noise is played however, it doesn't have a muffled effect revealing that it is children. this then confirms that the mans intentions aren't right classing him as a "bad guy".

a kick and snare pattern begins with a shot at the floor slowly panning up and on a dolly moving backwards revealing the hooded girl skipping in time with the beat, this then gives an indication to the girls age.

To be Continued ...

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