Saturday 14 April 2012

Final Video and Analysis

Above is our final cut of our music video production.
The video opens with a scene of 'The Girl' played by Zarina Rogalla and 'The New Guy' Played by myself meeting up, they then enter a car. This is to establish that they are together/familiar with one another. This also acts as an establishing shot/introduction.
We then cut to a shot of a CD labeled with "Mixy - Windowsill" into a CD Player, and this is where the music starts.
A film burn transition then follows into the introduction sequence of the characters. 'The New Guy' and 'The Girl' are introduced within the same car together, driving. This is to keep continuity as they was previously seen entering the car. The character of 'The Ex' is then introduced. In this shot he is seen smoking and with an angry look on his face, this was done to fit in with the fact he is the ex and is hurt/angry by what has happened. Thanks to these titles and what is contained within the shots, the audience can immediately grasp what the narrative is going to be about.
The track is introduced not by a title but by the name of the song written onto a coffee cup in a location where a lot of the later shots happen. This is because the coffee cup is featured highly throughout the video and carries significance.
We move onto another shot of 'The New Guy' and 'The Girl' together. They are seen smiling walking out of a lift and 'The New Guy' has his arm around 'The Girl' This is to further show that they are together and happy.
We cut into a shot edited with de-saturation to provide a washed out look of 'The Ex' smiling with an un-seen character, this creates enigma. He is also seen to be pointing to the sky, this links the lyrics in with the video due to the lyric saying "There was a time when our limit was the sky". This also provides suggestions as to who the person he is with might be. It then immediately cuts to Mixy to establish that he is the person singing.

The video fades to white here in an attempt to show that the de-saturated footage is memories. We see a shot of 'The Ex' and 'The Girl' together picking out some flowers. This cuts in and out of colour and them being together and the 'The Ex' being on his own. The shot of 'The Ex' purchasing the flowers is there to represent that due to the couple sharing a moment (shown in one of the clips) with these flowers he is longing to go back to that moment.
The footage moves onto 'The New Guy' and 'The Girl' walking together. 'The ex' however is standing in the background and both characters are oblivious to this. He is seen holding the flowers but once the characters walk past he lowers them, representing how his emotions just dropped.
More memory footage occurs of 'The Ex' and 'The Girl' together. The shots are linked in with the lyrics such as “Text your number and you came for a drink call it a date we sat down had a chat and it was great in the quiet little place I grew accustomed to your face” we used footage of ‘The Ex’ and ‘The Girl’ sat together in starbucks, coffee cups visible, talking, smiling and having a nice time. Also for the “grew accustomed to your face” we had a close up on ‘The Girl’s face. All this was done to develop more memory scenes between the two characters and to link the lyrics in with the video. All this is mixed in with shots of Mixy singing to show that Connor playing ‘The Ex’ is symbolising Mixy.

Returning to where ‘The Ex’ saw the other two characters walk by together, we switch to a shot from behind ‘The Ex’ and see him walk away. There is a low down shot of ‘The Ex’ walking away throwing the flowers towards the ground and since the flowers were symbolising a moment between ‘The ex’ and ‘The Girl’, throwing the flowers to the ground represents the rejection and loss he has just experienced.
We now move to a long sequence of clips featuring Mixy rapping. This was to spotlight him as an artist and his talent. It mainly focuses on showing off his ‘flow’ in his words. This is following the codes and conventions of a standard music video by showing off the star.
He also says the lyrics “finger-tips slip on the glass”, for this we had Mixy gently run his fingers across the glass of the window he is sat next too, to link the lyrics in with the video again.

There is a shot of ‘The Ex’ in the same location that him and ‘The Girl’ had been sat in the memory scene only this time he is by himself. This shows how he is reminiscing about the past and how he yearns for them times back. He is seen twiddling a flower. This was placed as we intended for the flower to carry the representation of their relationship. He gently caresses the flower as if it was the girl. This links back to the scene of them together in the coffee shop when he caresses her face. The footage pans up to ‘The Ex’ as he takes a drink of his coffee. This then fades into a shot of Mixy finishing off the exact same action. This is to further show how Connor playing ‘The Ex’ is representing Mixy throughout the video.

The end of the video comes to footage of The Ex’ walking aggressively towards the edge of a roof, suggesting that he’s given up and is going to jump and end his life. When he reaches the railings however, we cut to Mixy in the same position. He twiddles the flower over the edge as the song draws to a close. Diegetic sound fades in as the flower is dropped from the roof, signifying the end of the song and since the flower carried the representation of the relationship, the end of that too. The use of diegetic sound for this part of the clip was to add to the feeling of everything being over.

A title sequence of credits begins whilst the track is re-started to play over them. Since the intro of the track is purely instrumental it was perfect to use. Stereotypically music videos don’t tend to include credits on the end, so by doing this we have challenged the codes and conventions. An influencing factor on challenging the codes and conventions by doing this stemmed from the fact that since our music video was following a narrative throughout that it was going to be treated more like a short film.

Overall all we are very pleased with our final product; by taking into account all feedback we have received we have tailored the video to receive nothing but positive comments!

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