Friday 4 May 2012

Brand Identity

For our Brand Identity we didn't choose to design a logo as such, but keep the same theme running through our Video, Website and Digi-pak based on our chosen song 'Windowsill'. Our Video, Website and Digi-pak all include a windowsill in them, there is also the coffee cups, with the purple writing and the flower which is included in all three media products. The coffee cups that feature in the video are in front picture and are carried though the Digi-Pak, the same images are used on the Website. For the Digi-pak i created myself, i have still included the windowsill and the coffee cups. This has kept a brand identity form the song though out both our main products and ancillary texts. The same colours are also used, and in the video the CD they have in the car also has the purple writing on it which keeps a common theme throughout and keeps it so they are easily relate together.

Tuesday 1 May 2012

Evaluation Question 4

For our fourth evaluation question we decided to record a video of ourselves covering all aspects of the questions. We have also placed reference images and videos to the left.

Evaluation Question 3

What have you learned from you audience feedback?

Throughout the process of creating our music video we used feedback from audiences to influence the final outcome of our piece. Firstly we discussed our initial ideas between our group. We discussed them in great detail, deciding what would and what wouldn’t work. Taking feedback from each other’s ideas and opinions enabled us to have a concrete idea of what we wanted to create.
After we had constructed our rough cut, we played a viewing and feedback session with the class. Whilst we received plenty of praise for our video, there was some negative points too. First off that the lip-syncing within the video was off. This was due to us recording without sound, making it very difficult to sync the music in time, and as it was very noticeable to everyone that it was off sync it forced us to decide a re-shoot of all the footage was required with sound enabled. Secondly, whilst the scenes where the action plays backwards didn’t seem to be a problem, we received quite a lot of comments on it so based off this feedback we decided to scrap the backwards scenes.
Due to some complications we ended up having to re-film all of the narrative shots too with two new actors. However since the audience feedback had been positive, we kept the scenes the same as the previous cut and only made minor adjustments.
Names and some text blanked for privacy
When we released the first ‘final’ version of our video we received much positive praise, both from youtube comments and facebook.

However having friends/peers viewing it personally with us around school and such we received some comments saying that the lens flares going on might be slightly too intense on the eyes. So we decided based on this feedback to make them less intensive.

When we released our final version of the video we received plenty praise from facebook about the quality of our video so based on this we decided that we was happy with our product and did not make any further changes.

Audience feedback had a great effect on the choices we made; we feel we used the feedback effectively to tailor our product to cater to our audience’s desired music video.

Names and some text blanked for privacy

Evaluation Question 2

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

Throughout the course of creating our main product and ancillary tasks, we have intentionally tried to keep a consistent style. The most noticeable consistency is one of the locations used; the seating in Starbucks located next to a window so of course, involved a windowsill. This location is used in all products and can be seen in the picture above. The website used a photograph of this windowsill as the background, the video featured the location a lot throughout the course of the video and the digipak is completely based around the windowsill.

Another similarity within all three products is the font; Helvetica with slight italics. We decided to keep the font the same to provide consistency through the products and as a way of minor association between the products.

Another aspect we used throughout development of the three products was to make effective use of colour. For example in the photographs featured in the digipak and the website background, through the use ‘bokeh’ we could provide vibrant yet subtle colour at the same time as one another. Colour played a big part in the video, such as clothing, using bright and dull colours to represent different things, de-saturating footage to help the audience understand meaning, etc.

A similarity between the Digi Pak and the video is props. The coffee cups and the lone flower are featured in both. We chose to contain these two props within the digi pak so that they carry association with the video and the audience is immediately able to associate the digi pak with the video just by looking at the image. The props are featured on the website, however on the ‘Gallery’ page as photographs.
The Digi Pak and the website do carry a strong link however in that the background image for the website is the same image as on the back cover of the digi pak. We didn’t include a prop image as we felt it would be too distracting to the eye for viewers of the website.

There is a common theme running through all three products and that is the location of the windowsill featured in all three products. We feel that through the choices we made combining the products together through similarity’s has worked effectively.

Evaluation Question 1

For our first evaluation question we decided to record a video of ourselves covvering all aspects of the questions. We have also placed refrence images and videos to the left.

Friday 27 April 2012

Digi Pak

Our Digi Pak is based upon the Metallica - Unnamed Felling limited edition CD case (Digi Pak). it consists of three panels and two sides, based upon this layout we had to create 10 photo/images to fill these panels we have used some duplicates; for example the sides of the case (the hinges) are both the same image. this is a simple design a white background with "Mixy Windowsill Limited Edition" wrote in the same font that goes throughout our project, Helvetica italic.
Inside of the Digi Pak Middle-CD Holder
CD design

Left-Middle flap Middle-Back cover Right-Front cover
The inside consists of five panels two sides a middle and then the hinges. however, these panels are sections of the same one image, this gives it a nice consistent horizon going across the whole inside. this has a nice simple look that is interesting to look at but doesn't have too much going on to distract the viewer. we have also included a sample of what it might look like to have some of the lyrics printed on the inside; using the chorus of the song. we have also created a CD that goes along with the internal panels. the CD's image is the same as the image behind it; this is a very common lay out for digi paks. we have also intentionally used an image with the coffee cup, from the front cover; placing the word "Windowsill" in the middle so as it will fit onto the CD.

if i were to improve upon it i would probably take the photo slightly wider so that when the image is cropped, the cup appears in full. i would also remove the white strip around the middle hole and replace it with the rest of the image that is being obscured. this would allow people to read Windowsill better however, if the image was wider this may resolve the issue. i think that wen taking the photos for the: front, back and side i think i would use a tripod. this would allow to get identical looking images whilst only changing the objects in the frame.

Thursday 19 April 2012

Rough Digi Pak


Reseach and Planning. This is a rough idea of what our digi pak will look like.

This is a image of our finished Digi Pak, the left side is the same image as the front cover which was hand drawn using pen, using photoshop we have erased the writing 'Mixy The MMX mixtape', and we have added the lyrics to the song ‘Windowsill’. We have done the same with the middle image but we have also erased the photograph and mug. The right side is a image of Mixy which we got from the filming, this indicates who the singer of the single is, we have also edited this using photoshop so it fits in with the colours of the drawing.

This image shows the front of our Digi Pak. The image is hand drawn, we have then edited the image using photoshop so the back looks like the back of the window, we have added in the bricks so it looks like a picture from the outside looking in. On the side of our Digi Pak using very simple lettering it says 'Mixy Windowsill' we have done this in a dark green so it fits in with the colours already used. On the inside cover we have used the same theme of the windowsill and the green coloured font. This page simply says 'The new MMXI mixtape from Mixy' This is so when people open it up they can instantly relate to the album as being new and they know who its by.